Providing best possible services

Support of point couds in QGIS
Adding support for visualising and analysing point cloud data in QGIS, including handling of large datasets, backed by large organisations like IGN, Natural resources Canada, Danish, French and Finnish mapping agencies and the wider QGIS community.
QGIS community
QGIS development
Full client and data management system
A comprehansive system to manage clients and data (including data collection). The system is based on Postgres/PostGIS, QGIS and Mergin Maps.
QGIS development
Mesh data abstraction library (MDAL) development
Development of MDAL to handly hydraulic model output. In addition, adding various QGIS tools to visualise and analyse mesh data.
Full Project Management
Migration to open source GIS
Moving away from proprietary GIS platforms (Map info, Oracle) to PostGIS, QGIS and Geoserver including training of hundreds of users and providing long term support 5+ years. Development of custom plugins.
Leicester County Council
Full Project Management
Handling of weather data in QGIS
Development of the plugin to handle EDR OGC standard in QGIS. Development of vertical controller for handling cubed data and visualisation of weather data.
Met Office
QGIS plugin development

Let's make QGIS work for you

Lutra Consulting is a QGIS-focused expert provider of geospatial software development, consulting, training, and support services.

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